Aug 24
AspDotNetStorefront, whose ecommerce technology platform has become the industry leader since its introduction in 1997, has selected Kevin Mullett, director of product development for digital agency Cirrus ABS, to host one of its latest Webinars, “Search Engine Optimization to Increase Your Ecommerce Site’s Visibility, Action, and Conversion.” This webinar is to be conducted on Thursday, September 1, 2011, from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m., PST.
Mullett is a recognized SEO specialist and a popular speaker at events hosted by Cirrus ABS and other organizations. In the AspDotNetStorefront webinar, he’ll offer fresh insights into the ever-evolving world of Search Engine Optimization, covering …
- The number-one SEO mistake ecommerce sites make
- Key starting tips that will have the biggest impact
- SEO keyword selection concepts
- How search engine algorithm changes may impact a company’s online sales
- Conversion measurement concepts for SEO
- SEO and Social Media – why you can’t ignore the connection anymore
- The growing importance of SEO for online reputation management.
Business professionals interested in participating can register at