Where can I get help for my Cirrus ABS website?

Contact Strategic Support at 260.442.3943 or email us.

What does Software as a Service (SaaS) mean, and of what benefit is it to me?
Our Cirrus ABS Small Business Suite website and our award-winning eBusiness Suite technology are both prime examples of Software as a Service (SaaS) products. Essentially, each is a software application that we license to you and other customers as a “service on demand.” You subscribe to it on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. This enables you to take advantage of the most advanced Web technology without paying a sky-high price for it in one lump sum up front. For a small monthly fee, you get the applied software you need – no more, no less – to achieve your business goals. And you pay for it only as long as you want it. The SaaS model is an extremely efficient, cost-effective way for you to establish a strong Web presence and easily manage information input/outflow.
What are Cirrus ABS’ regular hours?

All Cirrus ABS marketing agency offices are open 9am-5pm EST, Monday through Friday. Additional nights and weekend hours or emergency web development assistance is available via our Fort Wayne office as resources are available, if previously arranged for with Cirrus ABS.

What about images, video, and flash on a Cirrus website?
The Cirrus ABS eBusiness Suite tools allow virtually complete control over the dynamic (editable) areas of the site.  Insert images, videos, flash, documents and more without any knowledge of code.
Should I go with a template or have custom design?
Depends.  Our professionally personalized templates are a very cost effective way to get a highly polished look and feel without “breaking the bank”.  If your business is trying to project a certain image, stand out from the competition, or if your industry demands more, then a custom solution is a must.
How much should I spend on the web?
15% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start.
How much should I spend on SEO?
Depends. Our plans are structured around a staggered tier structure. Plan 1 is primarily consulting, you’ll be responsible for most of the content writing. Plan 2 allows us to do both the consulting effort and take over much of the on and off site effort – most clients fall into this category. Our Plan 3 is for clients with highly competitive keywords, high opportunity, and/or more keywords/phrases (eCommerce sites, for example).
How much should I spend on my website?

15% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start.

How much should I spend on internet marketing?
15% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start.
How many pages should my website have?
However many it takes to tell your story. Every idea, every concept, every product and service needs to be discussed, especially if you plan on being found in the search engines. Don’t worry, with the eBusiness Suite you aren’t billed by the page. Many of our intuitive tools allow you to create essentially unlimited pages of content as your business needs change without the need for a programmer
Do I have to know HTML to use the eBusiness Suite?
Absolutely not! Our tools were built to be accessible and managed by everyone. If you can use MS Word, send an email, or post to your Facebook wall you can manage an eBusiness Suite website. However, if you DO know HTML, you can use it to edit your site.
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