09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Time: 9-11am
Penguins, pandas, penalization, and proclamations from all over the online marketing and
SEO world: but what does it all mean? What is this newer term, "inbound marketing"? And why are we hearing that SEO is dead ... again?
What has really changed, and what should you and your business be doing about it?

On August 16, from 9-11 a..m.,
Kevin Mullett, Cirrus ABS's Director of Product Development, will blow through the hype and get down to brass tacks. He'll discuss what actions you can take to deal with recent changes that affect online marketing and SEO. In the process, he'll also explain
how you get traffic that actually has an opportunity to convert into business and doesn't just show up in stats.
Kevin and other Cirrus staff will stick around for an hour-long personal consultation and question time after the seminar, so bring your laptops.
- What you need to know about the many Google and Bing updates.
- Link schemes, keyword stuffing, Google Webmaster alerts, what does it all mean?
- What is a penalization and what is a correction?
- Is your website optimized for visibility and conversion?
- How has social media impact on search changed?
Stick around after the session for some one-on-one consulting and a little Q&A.