Business Process Innovation
Enhancing the Way You Conduct Your Business
It really is revolutionary how the Internet is changing the way businesses interact – with their customers, their employees, and their business partners. Simply stated, it’s given them a host of new ways to extend their business processes and technology beyond their own four walls. Result? They not only can provide better and newer services but find new efficiencies as well and actually lower the cost of doing business.

To give an example, look at online banking. Web-based business process innovations have enabled bank customers to manage their accounts from anywhere at any time. And the bank, in turn, can cut costs significantly, because it needs fewer tellers and ATMs.
That kind of scenario can play out for just about any business, too. And we can help set it in motion.
Our team of expert business analysts, software engineers, and IT professionals will work with you to evaluate your business processes, infrastructure, and key business systems. From this, we’ll be able to identify opportunities and develop a plan that helps you take advantage of them. Our process can be customized to meet the unique needs of your organization, with us typically delivering …
A Business Process Innovation Findings Report
This report outlines …
- the current state of your organization’s business processes,
- the ideal state – what your business processes and your business – could become, and
- recommendations for moving from your current state to the ideal.
A Request for Proposal document
This document can be used to solicit bids from outside firms who can help your organization achieve its business objectives.
A Proposal for the Execution of Recommendations
In this document, we
describe …
- the approach Cirrus ABS would take – and the associated costs – to put our technology in place and move your organization from its current state to its ideal state as well as
- various business process innovation techniques and phased implementation options.
If you're interested in learning more,
contact Cirrus ABS. We'll show you how our in-house marketing and in-house technology groups work together to innovate business processes in uniquely effective ways.