
Our Events module allows you to display your company’s events in two ways - in a Calendar View or a List View, depending on user preference.
Want to keep your homepage current and relevant? Use it to display either headlines or brief descriptions of upcoming company and industry events. Each event can be referenced with videos, images, documents, or embedded maps.
Anyone viewing your calendar has the ability to add an event - or your whole calendar - to their personal calendar. 
The Events module is designed to work with RSS feeds, too, so subscribers can have the latest information about upcoming events.
Each event is listed in chronological order and is automatically archived on the site when its date has passed. A full-detail events page can be accessed by clicking on a specific event’s title.
Each event has a detail page which allows visitors to see comprehensive information on that event: the date, a description, the location, embedded maps, travel directions, document downloads, and video promotions.
Event Headlines: These, which are standard with the Events module, are displayed on your homepage in a way that makes them look essentially like calendar listings. Thus, site visitors have a quick and ready reference to your latest "doings."
Events Highlights: This tool lets you upload to your homepage not just the event title, date, and place, but more of a description and even, if you like, an image.
  RSS Feeds:
RSS Feeds are automatically updated when you update your events listings and sent to anyone who has subscribed to your feed.
Events Scheduling:
Our tools give you the flexibility to schedule events as you see fit, whether they're one-time events or recurring.
SEO Tools: Our SEO Tools can be applied to every event.